Events & Info

Hover or tap on the card for more details.


Build Gospel-centered relationships with others who can encourage and challenge you to grow to be more like Jesus. There are many groups starting soon, so find the best group for you using our new Group Finder tool!

Tithes & Offerings

Tithing shows we trust God with our finances by giving back to God a portion of our financial resources. There are many ways for you to give including online, with stocks, by check, and several others.

Leadership Transition

This will be Black Rock's first leadership transition since Pastor Steve succeeded Pastor Allaby in 1996. The congregation may have questions about the process, so visit our leadership transition page for more information.

Global Missions

On our Missions In Action blog, you’ll find monthly updates, weekly posts that include news from the field, inspiring stories, and ways to get involved. See the new post!


This month, we're collecting items for emergency care kits for people entering emergency shelters for Partnership to End Human Trafficking. Bring these items to church with you on June 30.

Chemistry Show

Bring the family Friday, June 28 from 6:30-8:00 PM for an educationally entertaining science production filled with explosions, foam, audience involvement, & an inspirational message! $5/person. Kids must be accompanied by an adult.

Send us a message or ask a question!